
From the original register:

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From the duplicate register:

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The original record translates very roughly as follows:

    The 24th day of May, 1719
    I certify father Antoine Delino (order of) Reccolet
    performed the priestly functions in the
    parish of Chambly, having obtained 
    exemption of the publication of the three
    bans from Msgr. laGodelier, Grand Vicar
    of the seigneurie of Québec not 
    finding any impeachment and having
    received the mutual consent 
    of marriage of françois Davignon 
    and of magdeleine mayot, daughter of 
    Jean Mayot and françoise Coulon,
    the father and mother of the seigneurie
    of Chambly, and their legitimate 
    infant aged 9 months, 
    according to the doctrines of the 
    Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, 
    in the presence of the undersigned witness
    according to the ordinances of God. 
        (signed) J Antoine delino