
I’m Ron Wróblewski, creator of this site. I’ve been researching the Davignon family for over 40 years. In that time I’ve accumulated information on thousands of individuals with that name and its variants. Early on, before the advent of the internet and email, I conducted snail-mail campaigns to collect data. I may have corresponded with you, your parents, grandparents, or even your great-grandparents back then. In 1988, I published a book about some of the research results entitled, “Davignon: The First Five Generations.” Since that time until recently, I have not been very active in my research. However, with the ever-expanding electronic resources available, I have returned to the work and significantly enhanced my databases. I hope to compile a definitive Davignon genealogy during this 300th-Anniversary year.


The charts on this site were created with custom software developed by the author. It parses genealogical data and creates the charts in svg (scalable vector graphics) format. If there is interest, I would consider developing a public version for release.


"Davignon: The First Five Generations" is copyright, 1988, by Ronald J. Wróblewski. It allows for free use and distribution of the material for any legitimate, non-profit research or personal use. The same use and limitations apply to materials on this website.

The fleur-de-lis image used in the page headers was adapted from an element in the flag of Montréal from Wikipedia Commons. It was created by user Borb and released into the public domain for any legitimate use.

The signatures of François Davignon were extracted and cleaned from digitized images on of the Drouin Institute Microfilms. Additionally, the images of the François and Madeleine's original (and Diocese copy) marriage record come from the same source. Presumably, Drouin Institute is the copyright holder and licenses it. I am posting them here with the presumption of fair and non-profit use.

Not For Profit

I have always operated on a not-for-profit basis for my genealogical work. When I self-published my tome in 1988, I sold it strictly on an actual cost and shipping-charge basis. It is my intent to continue in this vein. I do this for the pleasure of the project. Not to mention some of the perks, such as introducing several pairs of first cousins who didn't know about each other, preserving oral traditions, and corresponding across generations over multiple decades.


One main reason I limited my 1988 book to the first five generations was that at the time there were members of the sixth generation still living. I will not knowingly publicly publish or otherwise distribute information on the living without their consent. This includes contact data such as email or snail-mail address, etc.


I can be contacted at